
The Structure of the Technology Platform

Organisation chart of TPSCA
Organisation chart of TPSCA

An important part of the activities of the platform will take place in working groups (WG), the topics of which can be proposed by members.  

There is one sector co-ordinator for each of the following four fields of competence: buildings, mobility (infrastructure), grids and networks and their management and energy generation and supply technologies. The sector co-ordinators and their deputies have an overview over the activities of the different working groups regarding aspects related to their sector. They act as contact persons and information hubs and ensure that working groups are informed about each other's work. They also ensure the involvement of representatives of other technology platforms in order to benefit from synergies and avoid duplication of work.

Together with the leaders of the working groups, the sector co-ordinators and their deputies form the co-ordination group, which is responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of the working groups, the preparation of position papers of the platform, the review of documents and publications prepared by the working groups and the preparation of events organised by the platform.

The steering committee is responsible for the strategic positioning of the platform as well as its representation and commmunication vis-à-vis the public. It consists of the sector co-ordinators, a city representative, a representative of the research organisations and the platform spokesperson.

The members of the steering committee have been appointed from among the founders for the first one-year term. After the first year, they will be elected by the members' assembly, which comprises all members of the technology platform. The members' assembly also decides about changes in the rules of procedure of the platform or membership feeds.

Important stakeholders such as representatives of ministries, research promotion institutions, or interest groups can be invited to participate in the advisory board of the platform, in order to facilitate the exchange of information between the platform and these stakeholders.